Articles by

Marco Roos

Marco is the founder of Color Concepts which started as a services business in the digital printing industry. Marco was active as a trainer and consultant in color management in more than 87 countries, but he soon realized that the future is in data and connected ecosystems and started the development of ColorBase. Today Marco’s role is that of a visionary leader and strategist.

How ColorBase is Fueling Disruptive Change

It’s not unusual for companies to be convinced about their products, strategy, or vision, but we REALLY are – and so are many of our partners. What makes us so sure that we are onto something? With a strong track record in the large format printing industry over the past 20 years, we are really…


4 Reasons to Upgrade to the Barbieri LFP qb Textile Edition

This post features sponsored content.  Digital printing on textiles is one of the industry’s fastest growing market sectors, and according to Grand View Research, is set to roughly triple in size by 2030. However, performing color measurement readings on printed textile materials is significantly more complicated than on banner media or your typical self adhesive…

Rendering intents - a deep dive

Rendering Intents – A Deep Dive

Anyone who has printed a picture knows that what you see on your computer or cellphone screen almost always looks very different in the final print. With family photo, we often shrug our shoulders and accept this as inevitable – after all, the moment the picture captures is often more important than what it looks…

Color Gamut ColorBase

Printer Profiles – A Deep Dive

Printer profiles are a seemingly daunting and complex topic – they have been discussed and dissected millions of times, and yet, what they are what they do still confuses people across our industry. The reality is that printer profiles are a lot less mysterious than most people think, and every print shop in the world…


The Adobe-Pantone Split and What it Means for Printers

2022 has started with what is possibly the biggest news in the Graphics Industry in years: “Adobe to drop support for Pantone libraries in March of 2022″! Needless to say, this will have consequences for anyone involved in graphic design and printing services. While the announcement came as a surprise for most, there have certainly…