Can you coat it? Yes, Drytac can!

Selecting the right adhesive is critical for the success of many different types of applications and projects. Simply put, if you do not get this choice right, you risk the hard work you put in to creating the application, and potentially put the entire job and installation in jeopardy. In my role at Drytac, it…

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Set Ink Restrictions Like A Pro

One of the first and most important steps in creating profiles on a ‘halftone’ printer is setting the correct Ink Restrictions. In this blog post, I want to tell you how – and why! –  to set your Ink Restrictions like a pro. Before we dive into this, it’s important to know that most RIP…

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Printer Profiles – A Deep Dive

Color Gamut ColorBase

Printer profiles are a seemingly daunting and complex topic – they have been discussed and dissected millions of times, and yet, what they are what they do still confuses people across our industry. The reality is that printer profiles are a lot less mysterious than most people think, and every print shop in the world…

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