Expert Center:
Barbieri Services

Sales, calibration, repair - we do it all!
North American Sales & Distribution
Named the 2023 Barbieri Partner of the Year, ColorBase is the official distributor for Barbieri Electronic devices in North America and the largest distributor in the world. If your print business requires accurate measurements for color management, profiling, quality control, or just simply refuses to compromise on quality, then you need a Barbieri device.

Device Recalibration
Service includes firmware updates, replacement of reference white tile, thorough system functionality check and calibration of your Barbieri device to restore it to original factory standards. Upon completion, a certificate will be issued to you. Any additional parts required to restore the device to calibration standards will be billed additionally, on a time and parts basis. Recalibration is strongly recommended every 18 months to ensure optimum operation and longevity of the device.

Troubleshooting, repair and replacement of parts in order to restore the device to operation. Costs are billed on a time and parts basis. Estimates of service costs will be provided prior to initiation of repair.

ColorBase North America
All device recalibrations and repairs take place at our North American Address:
ColorBase North America
150 North Wright Brothers Drive Suite 540
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
United States
Phone: +1 801 975 2602
Interested in our Barbieri services?
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